777 Partners has been charged with predatory conduct.


According to Josimar, 777 Partners has been charged with “predatory conduct” in court as their long-running takeover of Everton is about to come to an end.

The Miami-based investment firm is accused of specifically targeting people with brain damage who were filing concussion lawsuits against the NFL, providing an advance to plaintiffs in exchange for a portion of future compensation.

In court, 777 Partners—which is presently attempting to include Everton in its portfolio of multi-cub companies—was charged of engaging in “predatory conduct” by focusing on former American football players with brain damage who were suing the NFL for concussions.

“Josimar has been informed that managing partner Josh Wander came up with the scheme, which entailed giving victims money advances in exchange for a cut of any compensation that could come up later.

However, a judge declared in 2017 that the contracts signed by 777 firms with claimants violated the stringent guidelines controlling the official NFL Concussion Settlement, raising fears from attorneys that they would result in retired players being taken advantage off.

Everton supporters have been wary of 777 Partners ever since the team was rumored to be in negotiations with them, and it appears that their worst concerns are now materializing.

For Toffees supporters, 777 Partners’ handling of its other teams, such as Sevilla, and the accusations leveled against them should be cause for serious concern.

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