How Ryan’s NFL career was shaped by his youth football coach.

Logan Ryan has enjoyed a highly successful NFL career, boasting two Super Bowl victories and three appearances over his 11 seasons in the league. A significant part of his success can be attributed to his formative years in youth football, where the impact of one particular coach, Mike McGough, profoundly shaped his journey in football.

At the NBC Sports Bay Area’s Gamechanger Awards, Ryan opened up about the pivotal role Coach Mike played in his football development during his upbringing in New Jersey.

“I first crossed paths with Coach Mike when I was around 10 or 11 years old,” Ryan recounted. “I joined the Jersey Pine Wildcats, and he was the coach. Meeting him was a crucial moment for me; I truly believe my career wouldn’t have unfolded the same without a positive influence like Coach Mike at such a crucial age.”

Reflecting on his coaching tenure, McGough emphasized the innate calling he feels towards coaching, attributing it as a familial trait passed down through generations.

“I started coaching at 20, and I genuinely believe coaching is a calling you’re born with,” McGough stated. “It runs in my family; coaching and teaching are deeply ingrained in our DNA.”

Ryan elaborated on the qualities that made McGough such an influential figure, highlighting his unwavering positivity and belief in his players, particularly himself.

“Coach Mike possesses many strengths,” Ryan noted. “Above all, his positivity stands out. He’s been coaching for nearly 37 years; coaching has been his life’s work, and he’s a true believer. He saw potential in me, entrusted me with leadership roles from a young age.”

Ryan recounted a remarkable anecdote about crafting a play, which he presented to McGough, who not only embraced the idea but implemented it in a game, resulting in a touchdown.

“I vividly remember designing a play in my spare time, handing it to Coach Mike, and seeing him use it in a game. It was a reverse, a double-reverse,” Ryan recalled.

McGough highlighted Ryan’s selflessness in creating a play that wasn’t centered around himself, a rare trait for a young player.

“Logan brought forth a couple of plays one evening, and what struck me was their selflessness. Most kids, especially quarterbacks, tend to design plays focused on themselves, but not Logan. His play was a testament to his team-first mentality,” McGough explained.

For Ryan, having a coach willing to embrace his creative input fueled his football acumen and elevated his understanding of the game.

“Coach Mike’s willingness to not only trust me but also my ideas, and seeing them come to fruition on the field, was transformative. It elevated my football IQ,” Ryan emphasized.

Joining the San Francisco 49ers midway through the 2023 NFL season, Ryan made a significant impact as the team advanced to Super Bowl LVIII, further solidifying his legacy in the sport.

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