A Sky F1 expert expresses concerns about Lewis Hamilton’s replacement following the damning Mercedes conviction.


Naomi Schiff has been under fire this season and questioned whether Mercedes is still a team that “drivers want to go to.”

Despite Mercedes’ optimism on their 2024 prospects following preseason testing, the Grands Prix have not yet lived up to the hype.



Naomi Schiff presents a dismal outlook for Mercedes.
The Woking team, which finished as high as fifth in Bahrain, is well behind Red Bull in the Constructors’ Championship, finishing in fourth place with 26 points.

More concerningly, though, is that they trail Ferrari, whom they defeated to take second place the previous season, by 67 points.

Mercedes is currently fourth fastest at best, while the Scuderia has definitely improved, finishing on the podium in all three races, including Carlos Sainz’s triumph last time out in Australia.

Lewis Hamilton has criticized the W15 for being an inconsistent vehicle, pointing out that it struggles in high-speed turns in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia but excels in low-speed corners in Australia.

After stating that they are behind Red Bull by a “massive” margin and that he is unsure of how to catch up, Schiff has questioned whether Mercedes is still enticing to foreign drivers.

Mercedes may not be the driver’s first option, with rumors circulating that the championship-winning teams are competing with Red Bull to sign either Carlos Sainz or Fernando Alonso.

Lewis is joining Ferrari, thus the team needs to be appealing to whomever they might eventually offer that position to.

Are drivers currently drawn to Mercedes as a team?

“They came in second in the tournament the previous year, but they need to show promise going forward in order to be a compelling offer.

“It doesn’t seem like they have the situation under control right

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