CHARLTON owner writes dangerous letter to coach and players because of…..


It was a free week at The Valley but the club put out a statement from the ownership and also issued the pricing for next season’s season tickets.

Along with that there was also the surprise intention to make a thousand places safe standing at the back of the Covered End.

If we start with the pricing of next year’s season tickets, then the pricing seems reasonable, around 5% up on average, with added selling points such as creating an area for 16 to 20-year-olds in the Covered End West Quadrant.

This was championed by CAST with the ambition to bring younger fans to games. I have to say though when I was that age I wanted to mix it with the Covered End lads, and not be stuck in a corner.

There will also be the construction of a Fan Zone outside the stadium.

Of course one thing that doesn’t change is that supporters will come to watch an exciting and successful team play in a noisy and atmospheric stadium. Pricing will always be a cause for consideration, but get us up near the top of the table and people will come.

I know I will fill British Airways’ pockets more regularly if the Addicks are having a rip-roaring season.

Safe standing has been a topic of conversation at The Valley ever since licenses were approved almost 10 years ago. CAST discussed the topic at length with Katrien Meire, who gave us a sofa instead and further under Thomas Sandgaard’s ownership.

Safe Standing is great news and will add to the noise in the Covered End. I know there has been some debate, but those back eight rows of the upper tier make the most sense and I would think the pitch of the stand in the lower tier would make viewing difficult. Bravo to the club on that one.

And bravo to Global Football Partners on their letter to supporters. It shows plenty of promise although I think “the men’s first-team’s season has been disappointing. In particular, December and January was a bruising period for all Addicks” is a masterclass in understatement.

Yet, there is some good stuff in there, and I look forward to some actions to go alongside the words but feel at least we are slowly turning the good ship Charlton around.

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