JUST NOEW: It has happen again as Pittsburgh Steelers have re-signed their…….


Pittsburgh (AP) — On Friday, Russell Wilson remained silent about his expectation to start at quarterback for Pittsburgh.

He didn’t have to, given the extent the Steelers went to court the nine-time Pro Bowler and Super Bowl victor, including the unexpected choice to move on from the player Wilson was meant to face.

The Pirates had made arrangements to guarantee Wilson would start at center for the 2024 season well in advance of their agreement to trade Kenny Pickett to Philadelphia, which was announced mere hours after Wilson was presented.

After Wilson was informed by the Denver Broncos that he would be released before to the start of the new league season, veteran defensive captain for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Cam Heyward, contacted him earlier this month.

The following day, what was meant to

All of this culminated in a lengthy meeting on Friday, during which Wilson took in the six Lombardi Trophies that welcome guests to the Steelers’ offices before touring a city that, in his words, “has won a lot,” only hours after he inked a one-year contract with the team.

The main reason the Steelers felt forced to sign Wilson was because he had not played well lately. They thought the 35-year-old still had plenty of football left in him to help Pittsburgh snap a seven-year postseason win drought.

Over the span of 20 minutes, Wilson—dressed in a black jacket and black T-shirt with a gold chain accent—used the word “win” eighteen times. General manager Omar Khan and Tomlin would periodically nod in agreement.

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