What is your 2024 golf resolution? Our readers have some thoughts


The headline above asks a good question, doesn’t it? It’s straightforward. Yet complex. Easy. But difficult. For example:

I’d like to play better. 

I’d like to play Augusta National

Oh my! Go for it! 

Now befriend a member. Or win a PGA Tour tournament.

But if there were ever a time to dream, to even shoot for the moon, it is now, Jan. 1, the start of the year, with 365 more days (leap year!) and 12 months ahead of you. So we were curious and asked a question on Monday, across all of our social feeds: What is your 2024 golf resolution? And you responded, and we’ll share some below. 

Now befriend a member. Or win a PGA Tour tournament.

But if there were ever a time to dream, to even shoot for the moon, it is now, Jan. 1, the start of the year, with 365 more days (leap year!) and 12 months ahead of you. So we were curious and asked a question on Monday, across all of our social feeds: What is your 2024 golf resolution? And you responded, and we’ll share some below. 

Now, without a doubt, my favorite thing about the game is time spent with friends and loved ones. The talk. The celebration. The ribbing. The beer and brat afterward. And I’m still going to do all of that in 2024. Often. But golf brings out millions and millions of characters, and you can even meet a few, especially if you head out solo. Sometimes, the affair is nothing. You hit. They hit. Maybe a handshake at the end. But then you meet a one-handed chipper who knows every which way to curse. Or two teachers from Queens who want to fight the slow players in front of them. And on and on. 

But yeah, I’d like to play better too. 

And play Augusta. 

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